Growth Plan

You wouldn’t build a house without a plan, you shouldn’t do inbound marketing without one either

            With the Growth Plan you will get a chance to see exactly what inbound would look like for your company. No more theories, see exactly how to attract, convert, nurture, and delight your prospects in a clear plan.

what is the Growth Plan?

The Growth Plan is a Conversion Rate Optimization Service that reworks your personas, lays out a 3-month customized marketing strategy, and works through your message framework in order to convert your visitors into truly raving customers in just 6 short weeks.

Why conversion rate optimization?

Your website won’t accurately convert visitors unless you know, without question, why they are there and what they need from you.

We give you the tools, resources, and growth plan to make that happen.

5 phases of the growth plan

phase 1

Business Snapshot

We want to learn about you and your business.

We will begin to dive into your business information and aim to compartmentalize the information we uncover about you, your target audience, and your potential opportunities.

We dig deeper into the problems you solve for your clients, existing alternatives, their buying habits, likely searches, and trigger events.

The information that we gather based on your business needs will lead to specific strategies tailored for your business.

phase 2

Data Analysis

During the Growth Plan, we analyze an immense amount of data about your company.

We do this through detailed client interviews, heat map analysis, user testing, polls, message mining, site audits, keyword audits, and surveys.

With this information we are able to understand your visitor’s behavior and issues in your message strategy.

This allows you to make changes based on actual data to enhance your website or content which will improve your results.

phase 3

Buyer Profiles and Personas

Creating buyer profiles and personas allow us to help you tailor your sales approach and develop a clear understanding of how to target your product and services to your ideal customer.

We will build a matrix of good fit industries (profiles) and the kinds of people specifically (personas) to engage.

Buyer personas are the building block for any business.

If we can help identify the pains, goals, and challenges of your customers, as well as where they are going for information, we have the capacity to fill the gap with great detail and clarity as a resource – and not a sales gimmick.

This specific customization of your marketing strategies to meet the needs of your buyers is vital to help your company keep the lead pipeline full.

This marketing process will improve lead generation which in turn will help build your company’s success.

phase 4

Message Framework & Campaign Theme Planning

One of the biggest missed opportunities we see in business is when someone has a great idea and great service or product, but they fail to tell the story in the right way to the right people.

We outline a message hierarchy, highlighting what, and how, to discuss your messaging with your audience.

This approach goes through identifying value propositions and establishing how to appropriately convey the wants, needs, and features of your products or service.

This also must be tailored to the personas outline in the previous week, or it’s a total miss.

We’ll end with an outline of 3 possible campaign options for moving forward.

phase 5

Buyer’s Journey & Campaign

We round out the Growth Plan strategy with our most favorite part – the buyer’s journey.

This is an outline of a full inbound marketing campaign, from social media, keyword selection and optimization, blogging, offers, workflows, and more.

We’ll share with you a strategic campaign tailored around your buyer’s journey – How to help prospects navigate through the awareness, consideration, and decision stages of their buying cycle with you.

This campaign includes a twelve week detailed guide of twenty-four SEO focused blog post outlines, social outlet recommendations, email workflow automation, and premium awareness offer outlines.

These marketing strategies will help ensure that you reach your ideal buyer persona and maximize revenue streams.

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Conversion Machine

Create the perfect conversion funnel based on the Voice of Customer research provided. We’ll give you everything you need to highlight the exact messaging your visitors are looking for.

Campaign Planner

Once the machine is built, you need to use tailored content in a masterful campaign to put fuel on the fire. We hook you up with a 3-month long, step-by-step outline.

Buyer Personas

True buyer persona research is not easy to come by. We’ll collaborate with you and your target audience to compile detailed personas, outlining pains, challenges, goals, and objectives.


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Let’s Start Something new

Want to get more leads, improve your conversion rate, and increase sales? The first step is a simple phone call to discover how we can add the most value to your business.